Thursday, April 1, 2010

How do i choose???

There are many different types of magnets. But basically, we can divide them into four major categories - metal, ceramic, rubber, wood. Many asks - which ones do i love the most???

How do i decide????

Metal magnets are tough. Intricate, beautiful, classy, and not to mention - EXPENSIVE. They may not be as colourful (most of them anyway), but if they fall off the fridge, they don't break. Tough as a nail.

Ceramic magnets are gorgeous. Colourful, extremely delicate, especially when done with great care and artistry. Very beautiful to look at, although some can be very carelessly done - makes them look cheap. Still, the beautiful ones are worth buying, but always be prepared for tears - they break into little pieces should they fall off. They break, and breaks your heart in the process.

Rubber ones are very commercial - very obviously bulk made. No personal touches - all printed the same way. Over time, they bend - especially if exposed to heat or direct sunlight. But their colourful nature, and the cute little graphics printed on them makes it all worth your greens. And of course, breaking upon falling is never a worry for these precious babies.
Wooden magnets are rare - and i suppose, like wood, they rot easily over time. But some are made with the latest of technologies and cut with laser - making the graphics flawless. They have a certain rustic look to them. Instead of breaking into pieces, these wooden pieces of art will split clean in two if they fall.

There. All the pluses and minuses of all the types of magnets i can think of. All have flaws and advantages. So how do i choose the ones i like the most? Which ones are my favourites????

My favourites are the ones with magnets stuck to the back of them. Hell, i like them all!!!!

Hi, my name is Ozzie. I am greedy, and I am not ashamed to say so!!!

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